Core areas and their respective key activities
Each of the three core areas focuses on their respective (three) key activities as follows:
​​​​​​​Copyediting is concerned with the mechanics of writing.
Manuscript Construction is concerned with the most integral language operatives involved in constructing a manuscript.
Course/Curriculum Design is concerned with an information architecture for writing, an editing system, and publishing solutions.
Find out what we Use, support, meet and create
Now join our organization to use our educational and grammatical editing model to support educational processes and meet traditional publishing standards.
Additionally, be a part of our core function to create unique processes and methods through grammatical and linguistic studies.
Course/Curriculum DesigN
Free content library of articles and posts for anyone interested in an information architecture for writing, an editing system, and publishing solutions.
The content is accessible via McIntoshLinguistics Teams classes and SharePoint sites.
Project Erudition is our also our free Erudite Grammar-Linguistic Material content, which features comprehensive pages that are content ladders. This type of interactive material evolves over time because it’s long-form content that grows in word count per update.
Read the handout about our teaching method.
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